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Foto: Jana Jocif


Watercolor Wash Transparent

»Od vsega začetka je bilo razvidno, da ti izkušeni pevci – umetniki skupaj pojejo zaradi močne želje po ukvarjanju z zborovsko glasbo na najvišjem možnem kakovostnem nivoju, želje po dobro opravljenem delu in izkušanju novega v krogu svojih dragih pevskih prijateljev. V svoje sposobnosti tudi utemeljeno zaupajo na podlagi svojih bogatih zborovskih izkušenj in znanja. Zame, umetnico, živečo v tujini, je to vsekakor eden najboljših, navdihujočih in posebnih slovenskih vokalnih ansamblov, ki predstavlja tudi svetel zgled in pogled v prihodnost slovenske zborovske scene..«

Kristina Bogataj

Faded Sandpaper

»Projekt Veselite se, vsi narodi zemlje smo začeli snovati pred začetkom epidemije, ki je močno ohromila socializacijo in kulturno udejstvovanje. Dano nam je bilo doživeti, kaj pomeni pomanjkanje umetnosti v vsakdanu, in jasno je postalo, da je najpomembnejše to, da smo lahko skupaj in da lahko glasbo in harmonije (so)ustvarjamo. Zelo sem hvaležen za izkušnjo, ki ni bila lahka, a je zato toliko bolj dragocena.«

Aco Aleksander Bišćević​​

Grungy Paper

»Izkušnja s Komornim zborom DEKOR predstavlja pomemben mejnik na moji službeni in življenjski poti. Delo z njegovimi pevci in pevkami mi je pomagalo razviti zrel glasbeni značaj, ki me še danes zaznamuje. Njihovo znanje, ambiciozen pristop in dolgoletne izkušnje so mi odprli okno v najkakovostnejše zborovstvo in me v bistvu izzvali, da nase in na svoj poklic pogledam z drugačnega, izvirnega zornega kota. Z njimi in ob njih sem stopila na umetniško pot, ki me je pripeljala daleč. Iskreno sem hvaležna pevcem in odboru, upajoč, da bomo kmalu še skupaj ustvarjali.«

Petra Grassi​​​​​

Watercolor Wash Transparent

»Od prve vaje sem čutil tako intenzivno navdušenje kot tudi velika pričakovanja do mene kot zborovodje. Na ta način je bila zame osebno ustvarjena čudovita atmosfera, saj rad delujem v okolju, kjer si pevci resnično želijo dati od sebe 110 odstotkov za dosego končnega rezultata. Zaradi močnega zborovskega zaledja so ti pevci zelo ambiciozni in čutijo, da zbor zasluži njihov maksimalni vložek. Pripravljeni so storiti, karkoli se od njih zahteva, in med koncertom sem resnično lahko začutil njihovo predanost ter stremljenje h kakovosti zvoka in intenzivnosti interpretacije.«

Dani Juris

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Sebastjan Vrhovnik – Johann Ludwig Bach: Das ist meine Freude

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Sebastjan Vrhovnik – Johann Ludwig Bach: Das ist meine Freude

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Domen Marinčič, violon Tomaž Sevšek Šramel, orgelski pozitiv, orgle ǀ positive organ, organ Tilen Bajec, orgle ǀ organ (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigent ǀ Conductor: Sebastjan Vrhovnik (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Johann Ludwig Bach (1677 - 1731): Das ist meine Freude Das ist meine Freude, daß ich mich zu Gott halte, und meine Zuversicht setze auf den Herren. Das ist meine Freude. Posneto na koncertu v cerkvi sv. Martina na Bledu 28. marca 2016 Recorded live at a concert in the St. Martin Church in Bled on 28th March 2016 Snemalec ǀ Recorded by: Slavko Avsenik Foto ǀ Photos by: Iztok Ameršek VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Nataša Kocjančič in Tanja Svenšek Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2021 -- DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2015: In the Beginning … (Inaugural concert) Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finland) PROGRAMME: Copland, Kreek, Gjeilo, Sandström, Willisegger; Slovene composers: Lajovic, Ukmar, Gobec, Lebič (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: BACH’s PÄRTituras – Baroque Motets and Contemporary Musical Miniatures Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) Domen Marinčič (violone), Tomaž Sevšek (positive organ, organ), Tilen Bajec (organ) PROGRAMME: J. S. Bach, A. Pärt, J. L. Bach, J. Pachelbel, J. M. Bach (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: The international choral competition Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 3rd place in two categories – compulsory programme and free programme - and a special prize for the best performance of the compulsory renaissance composition Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) 2016: A demonstration choir at the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors in Ljubljana 2017: ITALIANTICA – Musical mirror of words between renaissance and contemporary art Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) PROGRAMME: di Lasso, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Clausetti, Pizzetti, Venturini, Donati, Bonato (several first performances in Slovenia) 2017: THE DREAMS OF A SLEEPING WORLD, Chad Cannon - premiere with Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra and the clarinettist Mate Bekavac in the Cankar Cultural Centre in Ljubljana. Conductor: VLADIMIR KULENOVIĆ (USA) 2018: THE FRUIT OF SILENCE Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) Artistic leadership: MATE BEKAVAC in cooperation with an international array of instrumentalists (Jaka Stadler, Božena Angelova, Gea Pantner, soloists from the Kronberg Academy, Germany) PROGRAMME: Tavener, Ešenvalds, Vasks, Makor 2018: Slovene National Choral Competition Naša pesem Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) Award: best mixed choir of the competition prize and won the absolute first place, while Petra Grassi received the best conductor prize. 2019: A DREAM OF SPRING – a Choral Journey to Finland and Germany Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finska ǀ Finland) PROGRAMME: Madetoja, Kuula, Komulainen, Sibelius, Fougstedt, Rautavaara, Hindemith, Schütz, Brahms 2019: PARADISE STRINGS - Euroradio Christmas concert broadcast by the European Federation of Radio Stations (EBU) on Euroradio Christmas Day, a day of Christmas concerts organized by radio stations from all over the world Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) 2020/21: REJOICE, ALL NATIONS! - a set of selected works by world-famous composers such as Mendelssohn, Poulenc, Villetto, Déodat de Séverac and Duruflé. Conductor: ACO ALEKSANDAR BIŠČEVIĆ
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Claudio Monteverdi: Domine ne in furore

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Claudio Monteverdi: Domine ne in furore

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigentka ǀ Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italija ǀ Italy – Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Claudio Monteverdi (1567 – 1643): Domine ne in furore Domine ne in furore (Psalm 6,1-4) Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me: neque in ira tua corripias me. Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum: sana me, Domine, quoniam conturbata sunt ossa mea. Et anima mea turbata est valde: sed tu, Domine, usquequo? Gospod, v svojem gnevu (Psalm 6,1-4) Gospod, v svojem gnevu me ne grajaj, v svoji srditosti me ne karaj! Izkaži mi milost, Gospod, ker sem onemogel, ozdravi me, Gospod, ker so moje kosti potrte. Tudi moja duša je silno potrta; a ti, Gospod, doklej? Posneto na koncertu v cerkvi sv. Jurija v Piranu 18. junija 2017 Binauralni posnetek - za poslušanje s slušalkami – Aleksander Govekar Recorded live at a concert in the St. George Church in Piran on 18th June 2017 Binaural recording - please use headphones – Aleksander Govekar VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Nataša Kocjančič Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2021 Fotografije ǀ Photos: Iztok Ameršek, Jana Jocif, arhiv KZ DEKOR -- DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2015: In the Beginning … (Inaugural concert) Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finland) PROGRAMME: Copland, Kreek, Gjeilo, Sandström, Willisegger; Slovene composers: Lajovic, Ukmar, Gobec, Lebič (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: BACH’s PÄRTituras – Baroque Motets and Contemporary Musical Miniatures Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) Domen Marinčič (violone), Tomaž Sevšek (positive organ, organ), Tilen Bajec (organ) PROGRAMME: J. S. Bach, A. Pärt, J. L. Bach, J. Pachelbel, J. M. Bach (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: The international choral competition Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 3rd place in two categories – compulsory programme and free programme - and a special prize for the best performance of the compulsory renaissance composition Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) 2016: A demonstration choir at the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors in Ljubljana 2017: ITALIANTICA – Musical mirror of words between renaissance and contemporary art Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) PROGRAMME: di Lasso, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Clausetti, Pizzetti, Venturini, Donati, Bonato (several first performances in Slovenia) 2017: THE DREAMS OF A SLEEPING WORLD, Chad Cannon - premiere with Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra and the clarinettist Mate Bekavac in the Cankar Cultural Centre in Ljubljana. Conductor: VLADIMIR KULENOVIĆ (USA) 2018: THE FRUIT OF SILENCE Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) Artistic leadership: MATE BEKAVAC in cooperation with an international array of instrumentalists (Jaka Stadler, Božena Angelova, Gea Pantner, soloists from the Kronberg Academy, Germany) PROGRAMME: Tavener, Ešenvalds, Vasks, Makor 2018: Slovene National Choral Competition Naša pesem Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) Award: best mixed choir of the competition prize and won the absolute first place, while Petra Grassi received the best conductor prize. 2019: A DREAM OF SPRING – a Choral Journey to Finland and Germany Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finska ǀ Finland) PROGRAMME: Madetoja, Kuula, Komulainen, Sibelius, Fougstedt, Rautavaara, Hindemith, Schütz, Brahms 2019: PARADISE STRINGS - Euroradio Christmas concert broadcast by the European Federation of Radio Stations (EBU) on Euroradio Christmas Day, a day of Christmas concerts organized by radio stations from all over the world Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) 2020/21: REJOICE, ALL NATIONS! - a set of selected works by world-famous composers such as Mendelssohn, Poulenc, Villetto, Déodat de Séverac and Duruflé. Conductor: ACO ALEKSANDAR BIŠČEVIĆ
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigentka ǀ Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italija ǀ Italy – Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525–1594): Sicut cervus SICUT CERVUS (Ps 42,2) Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus. KAKOR HREPENI JELEN (Ps 42,2) Kakor hrepeni jelen po potokih voda, tako hrepeni moja duša po tebi, o Bog. -- Posneto v Plečnikovi Cerkvi sv. Frančiška Asiškega v Ljubljani oktobra 2017 Recorded in the Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Plečnik's Church) in Ljubljana in October 2017 Snemalec ǀ Recorded by: analogSurviver – Aleksander Govekar (Original recording format: DSD128) Producent in montaža ǀ Produced and edited by: Daniel Svenšek -- VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Tanja Svenšek, Matej Šoster, Tanja Rupnik Foto zbora ǀ Photo of the choir: Komorni zbor DEKOR Foto dirigentke ǀ Photo of the conductor: Jana Jocif Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2017 -- Facebook: E-mail: YouTube: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2015: In the Beginning … (Inaugural concert) Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finland) PROGRAMME: Copland, Kreek, Gjeilo, Sandström, Willisegger; Slovene composers: Lajovic, Ukmar, Gobec, Lebič (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: BACH’s PÄRTituras – Baroque Motets and Contemporary Musical Miniatures Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) Domen Marinčič (violone), Tomaž Sevšek (positive organ, organ), Tilen Bajec (organ) PROGRAMME: J. S. Bach, A. Pärt, J. L. Bach, J. Pachelbel, J. M. Bach (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: The international choral competition Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 3rd place in two categories – compulsory programme and free programme - and a special prize for the best performance of the compulsory renaissance composition Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) 2016: A demonstration choir at the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors in Ljubljana 2017: ITALIANTICA – Musical mirror of words between renaissance and contemporary art Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) PROGRAMME: di Lasso, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Clausetti, Pizzetti, Venturini, Donati, Bonato (several first performances in Slovenia)
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Orlando di Lasso: Sibylla Agrippa

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – Orlando di Lasso: Sibylla Agrippa

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigentka ǀ Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italija ǀ Italy – Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Orlando di Lasso (1532–1594): Sibylla Agrippa -- Posneto v Plečnikovi Cerkvi sv. Frančiška Asiškega v Ljubljani oktobra 2017 Recorded in the Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Plečnik's Church) in Ljubljana in October 2017 Snemalec ǀ Recorded by: analogSurviver – Aleksander Govekar (Original recording format: DSD128) Glasbeni producent in montaža ǀ Music producer and editing: Daniel Svenšek VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Tanja Svenšek, Matej Šoster, Tanja Rupnik Foto zbora ǀ Photo of the choir: Komorni zbor DEKOR Foto dirigentke ǀ Photo of the conductor: Jana Jocif Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2017 DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Facebook: E-mail: YouTube: -- SIBYLLA AGRIPPA (Anon.; from Sibylline Prophecies) Summus erit sub carne satus carissimus atque Virginis, et vere complebit viscera sanctum Verbum consilio sine noxa spiritus almi. Despectus multis tamen ille salutis amore, arguet et nostra commissa piacula culpa, cuius honos constans et gloria certa manebit. AGRIPSKA SIBILA (Anonimni pesnik; iz cikla Prerokbe Sibil) Najvišji in najdražji bo rojen v mesu kot sin prave Device, in resnično bo sveta Beseda po načrtu blagega duha brez poškodbe napolnila njeno maternico. Čeprav bo od mnogih zaničevan zaradi ljubezni odrešenja, bo tudi grehe, ki jih je povzročila naša krivda, sodil tisti, čigar čast bo ostala nespremenjena in katerega slava bo zagotovljena brez konca. -- DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2015: In the Beginning … (Inaugural concert) Conductor: DANI JURIS (Finland) PROGRAMME: Copland, Kreek, Gjeilo, Sandström, Willisegger; Slovene composers: Lajovic, Ukmar, Gobec, Lebič (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: BACH’s PÄRTituras – Baroque Motets and Contemporary Musical Miniatures Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) Domen Marinčič (violone), Tomaž Sevšek (positive organ, organ), Tilen Bajec (organ) PROGRAMME: J. S. Bach, A. Pärt, J. L. Bach, J. Pachelbel, J. M. Bach (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: The international choral competition Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 3rd place in two categories – compulsory programme and free programme - and a special prize for the best performance of the compulsory renaissance composition Conductor: SEBASTJAN VRHOVNIK (Slovenia) 2016: A demonstration choir at the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors in Ljubljana 2017: ITALIANTICA – Musical mirror of words between renaissance and contemporary art Conductor: PETRA GRASSI (Italy – Slovenia) PROGRAMME: di Lasso, Gesualdo, Monteverdi, Palestrina, Clausetti, Pizzetti, Venturini, Donati, Bonato (several first performances in Slovenia)
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – P. Clausetti: Saltavan ninfe

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – P. Clausetti: Saltavan ninfe

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigent ǀ Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italija ǀ Italy – Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Pietro Clausetti (1904–1963): Saltavan ninfe Saltavan ninfe, satiri e pastori fra gli odorati fiori, e cantando dicean: »Viva l’amore, che in un momento Impiaga e sana il core.« -- Nimfe, satiri in pastirji so skakali med dišečim cvetjem in pojoč govorili: »Naj živi ljubezen, ki v istem hipu rani in ozdravi srce.« Posneto na zborovski reviji Ljubljanski zbori v Ljubljani 18. februarja 2017, snemanje: KOMORNI ZBOR DEKOR Recorded live at the choral meeting »Ljubljanski zbori« in Ljubljana on 18th February 2017 by: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Tanja Rupnik, Tanja Svenšek, Matej Šoster Slika ǀ Painting: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot: A morning, The dance of the Nymphs, 1850 Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2017 Facebook: E-mail: YouTube: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2017: Conductor Petra Grassi (Italy - Slovenia) - the winner of the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors 2016
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – P. Clausetti: Saltavan ninfe

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Petra Grassi – P. Clausetti: Saltavan ninfe

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigent ǀ Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italija ǀ Italy – Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Pietro Clausetti (1904–1963): Saltavan ninfe Saltavan ninfe, satiri e pastori fra gli odorati fiori, e cantando dicean: »Viva l’amore, che in un momento Impiaga e sana il core.« -- Nimfe, satiri in pastirji so skakali med dišečim cvetjem in pojoč govorili: »Naj živi ljubezen, ki v istem hipu rani in ozdravi srce.« Posneto na zborovski reviji Ljubljanski zbori v Ljubljani 18. februarja 2017, snemanje: KOMORNI ZBOR DEKOR Recorded live at the choral meeting »Ljubljanski zbori« in Ljubljana on 18th February 2017 by: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Tanja Rupnik, Tanja Svenšek, Matej Šoster Slika ǀ Painting: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot: A morning, The dance of the Nymphs, 1850 Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2017 Facebook: E-mail: YouTube: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2017: Conductor Petra Grassi (Italy - Slovenia) - the winner of the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors 2016
DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Dani Juris – R. Gobec: Mrak

DEKOR Chamber Choir, cond. Dani Juris – R. Gobec: Mrak

Komorni zbor DEKOR ǀ DEKOR Chamber Choir (Slovenija ǀ Slovenia) Dirigent ǀ Conductor: Dani Juris (Finska ǀ Finland) Radovan Gobec (1909–1995): Mrak ǀ Twilight Mrak (Milka Hartman) Mrak je dahnil na poljane, blagi, vonjavi poljub. Sapice so v spev ubrane, v srcu je ljubav in up. Slišim travic šepetanje, stezo boža lunin soj. Nekdo gre na vasovanje, joj, saj to je ljubi moj! Sklonil se je nagelj rdeči, rožmarin je zadehtel in zavriskala noč je v sreči, ko me moj ljubi je objel. Posneto na koncertu v cerkvi sv. Jakoba v Ljubljani 17. maja 2015 v formatu DSD128, snemalec: analogSurviver – Aleksander Govekar Recorded live at a concert in the St. Jacob's Church in Ljubljana on 17th May 2015 to DSD128 by: analogSurviver – Aleksander Govekar Fotografije ǀ Photos by: Iztok Ameršek VIDEO: Zasnova in izdelava ǀ Concept and video production: Tanja Svenšek Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2015 Facebook: E-mail: YouTube: DEKOR CHAMBER CHOIR Founded in January 2015, DEKOR Chamber Choir is composed of experienced choral singers from various parts of Slovenia, who in the past used to sing in renowned Slovene and some foreign vocal ensembles. Driven by the desire of thorough preparation of quality choral projects, the choir works under the leadership of Slovene and foreign guest conductors. 2015: In the Beginning … (Inaugural concert) Conductor: Dani Juris (Finland) Programme: Copland, Kreek, Gjeilo, Sandström, Willisegger; Slovene composers: Lajovic, Ukmar, Gobec, Lebič (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: BACH’s PÄRTituras – Baroque Motets and Contemporary Musical Miniatures Conductor: Sebastjan Vrhovnik (Slovenia) Domen Marinčič (violone), Tomaž Sevšek (positive organ, organ), Tilen Bajec (organ) Programme: J. S. Bach, A. Pärt, J. L. Bach, J. Pachelbel, J. M. Bach (several first performances in Slovenia) 2016: The international choral competition Spittal an der Drau (Austria) 3rd place in two categories - compulsory programme and free programme - and a special prize for the best performance of the compulsory renaissance composition Conductor: Sebastjan Vrhovnik (Slovenia) 2016: A demonstration choir at the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors in Ljubljana Organizers: Ljubljana Academy of Music, The Public Fund for Cultural Activities, Slovenian Philharmonic 2017: Conductor: Petra Grassi (Italy/Slovenia) - the winner of the 1st National Matej Hubad Competition for Slovene choral conductors 2016
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